Service-Level Agreement (SLA) design/monitoring
Designing internal SLAs for CSPs or SLAs between CSPs and their service partners. We serve the interests of our Clients and their customers by ensuring that the SLAs are architected in a manner to provide the expected business value. We also monitor SLA compliance on behalf of CSPs.


Value Added Services

To offset the slow decline of ARPUs and tap into the industry’s future growth arena, Communications Service Providers (CSPs) seek to gain relevance in the content value chain by offering popular Value Added Services (VAS) and Over-The-Top (OTT) content.

Farhikhtegan operations provide expert resources to help CSPs in enhancing their existing in-house VAS offerings. We help develop solutions that integrate with a carrier’s Billing, CRM, OSS and IN platform to build meaningful and market-relevant VAS services.

We also help CSPs in integrating their service delivery platform or their service delivery channels and legacy systems with the solutions of VAS providers.



No. 607, 6th floor, Ayeneh Vanak Building, Vanak St, Vanak Sq, Tehran (Iran)

Postal Code : 9876543211


Contact us at the following phone numbers

Central office :   +98 21 8171 3815 & 16
Engineering Office : +98 21 8171 3814

Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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